

內蒙古鄂爾多斯                門店上新


    項目名稱 | 內蒙古鄂爾多斯羅曼締克旗艦店  

    nner Mongolia Ordos Store

    項目面積 | 350㎡

    項目地址 | 內蒙古鄂爾多斯市東勝區好百年建材城





Purple, interwoven with dream and reality, light dance as a guide, delineating the prosperous scene of Ordos. The background of the main reception desk is paved with plain products combined with the main color, creating a strong visual impact and artistic appeal of the space.




Begins with minimalism, ends with purity. The whole is a classic plain color to express the sense of modern romance, advocating the restrained and implicit design, artistic feeling and practical function.




Romantic "Imagination series" is a residential experience that restores the essence of the house by design aesthetics, and is a search and reflection on the needs of individuality in rationality.




Semi-closed designer area design, where people talk and chat, experience the coexistence of openness and privacy.





When creating a home space, it is no longer simply dependent on its function. But in the design, with the characteristics of tile to build enough to convey harmony and happiness of life field.




The space is constantly separated, and in the corner, the panel display area presents an open and communicative architectural space, where people shuttle and explore the beautiful meaning of life.




In the collision of color, touch and texture, the product highlights the original appearance of nature, conveys the diversified design side of the tile, and creates more possibilities for the tile and art.


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