
工程案例丨羅曼締克x Dubai Mall小米旗艦店,為中國品質添磚加瓦 

迪拜購物中心(Dubai Mall)是全球最大的購物中心之一,建筑面積超過120萬㎡,坐穩世界最大商場的交椅,國際知名度很高,不僅可瞻仰世界最高樓哈利法塔,聆聽世界最大音樂噴泉,還能欣賞到世界最大的室內水族箱,是一個集購物、娛樂和休閑于一體的綜合性場所。

Dubai Mall is one of the largest shopping malls in the world. With a construction area of more than 1.2 million square meters, it is the world's largest shopping mall. International reputation is very high, not only can see the world's tallest tower Burj Khalifa, listen to the world's largest musical fountain, but also enjoy the world's largest indoor aquarium. It is a comprehensive place for shopping, entertainment and leisure.


Dubai Mall作為迪拜乃至整個中東地區地標性的高端商場,吸引了不少國貨品牌入駐,其中包含了海底撈及小米等國貨品牌,小米更是在Dubai Mall開設了其最大的中東門店,借助商場巨大流量觸達中東消費者,并提出了希望“小米產品融入阿聯酋每個家庭”的期望。

As a landmark high-end Mall in Dubai and even the Middle East, Dubai Mall has attracted many domestic brands to settle in, including HaiDiLao and Xiaomi. Xiaomi opened its largest Middle East store in Dubai Mall, reaching Middle East consumers with the huge traffic of the mall, and put forward the expectation that "Xiaomi products will be integrated into every family in the UAE".

迪拜購物中心(Dubai Mall)-小米旗艦店,占地面積超610㎡,是小米在中國和印度意外的最大商店,展示的產品包括智能手機、筆記本電腦、智能設備和家用電器等熱銷產品。

Dubai Mall - Xiaomi flagship store, covering an area of more than 610 square meters, is Xiaomi's largest store in China and India by accident. The products on display include hot sellers such as smartphones, laptops, smart devices and home appliances.

經過對系列瓷磚品牌綜合實力的評估與篩選,Dubai Mall-小米之家最終選用了羅曼締克的600x1200mm【珍珠白126P00B】大理石產品。

After the evaluation and screening of the comprehensive strength of the series of tile brands, Dubai Mall- Xiaomi Store finally selected Romantic's 600x1200mm [Pearl white 126P00B] super-white marble series products.


Pure and flawless [pearl white], the color is pure white and transparent, with unique charm, and has the characteristics of high density, low water absorption, good anti-fouling performance, corrosion resistance and not easy to fade, etc., contributing to the Chinese quality of Xiaomi flagship store.

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